2. My greatest disappointments so far have been my grades on my last vocab test and early short story quizzes. I know now the reason I received low grades on these quizzes/exams and I am changing the way I study now to hopefully prevent them.
3. So far for the vocab tests I have looked at the words and their definitions through the book reading them over and over thinking I was getting them memorized. I have since figured out that I need to make flash cards of all the words and their roots so i can memorize them without seeing the definitions slightly and not memorizing them in order.
For the reading quizzes I have read the story and taken some notes. Then set the story aside and didn't go back to it until right before class started. I also may have been reading the story and zoning out for parts of it because I was not making it interesting for myself to read.
4. I don't really know what kind of learner I am. I do know that I'm not a aural learner because i don't do as well on oral exams as I do on ones I have to read myself. It does help me when I have movements to go with different things I am trying to memorize but I also like to have visual pictures, timelines, or typed papers of information.